OFFICIAL RESULTS -- TOURNAMENT SERIES STOP #5 HOME THE 6th ANNUAL NORM FLEURY MEMORIAL RHODE ISLAND CLASSIC TOURNAMENT Held at WICKFORD LANES -- February 29, March 1, 2, 7, 8, & 9, 2008 -- 87 Entries -- $30.00 Per Entry QUALIFYING ROUND RESULTS: "A" DIVISION (Over 125 Average) "B" DIVISION (125 Average and Under) NAME SCORE HDCP TOTAL NAME SCORE HDCP TOTAL 1. Richard Volpe (xz) 630 92 722 1. Russ Pierson (xz) 499 86 585 2. Dan Richmond (xyz) 620 76 696 2. Angelo Quaranta (xyz) 571 6 577 3. Al Copice (xyz) 570 102 672 3. Dave Campopiano (x) 525 22 547 4. Eric Sartwell (xy) 570 102 672 4. Jack Florence (xz) 537 9 546 5. Jay Pacheco (xyz) 582 80 662 5. Harry Whitford (xz) 524 19 543 6. Pete Bedard (xyz) 575 86 661 6. Russell Yeaw (x) 492 48 540 7. Chris Lampinski (x) 561 99 660 7. Amy Peck (xz) 509 28 537 8. Al Asprinio (xyz) 545 99 644 8. Mike Freitas (xz) 504 28 532 9. Doug Oliver (xyz) 563 73 636 9. Angelo Quaranta (xyz) 520 6 526 Pete Bedard (xyz) 550 86 636 Mike Freitas (xz) 498 28 526 11. Chris St.Jean (x) 545 89 634 11. Mike Parente (xz) 481 44 525 12. Al Asprinio (xyz) 533 99 632 12. Harry Whitford (xz) 502 19 521 13. Paula Fletcher (x) 538 92 630 13. Joe DiPanni (x) 498 22 520 14. Steve Zommer (xyz) 560 67 627 14. Ron Bennett II (xz) 492 22 514 15. Steve Korik, Jr. (xyz) 554 70 624 15. Jane Jordan 443 70 513 16. Al Copice (xyz) 519 102 621 16. Matt Dean (xy) 493 16 509 17. Tom Shaw (xyz) 531 86 617 17. Pam Riccio (xz) 508 0 508 Aaron Dean (xyz) 521 96 617 Ron Bennett II (xz) 486 22 508 19. Alan Hopkins (xyz) 548 67 615 19. Denise Bonneau (xz) 496 9 505 Sal Nasisi (xyz) 545 70 615 20. Donna Oates (x) 458 41 499 21. Dave Mulvey (xyz) 553 60 613 21. Kerri Zommer (x) 489 9 498 22. David Zarli (xz) 506 105 611 22. Cheryl Netcoh 445 51 496 23. Tom Chiarini (xy) 526 83 609 23. Matt Walker (xy) 448 44 492 24. Don Robertson (x) 503 105 608 24. Russell Yeaw (x) 441 48 489 25. Al Asprinio (xyz) 508 99 607 25. Jack Florence (x) 476 9 485 26. Mark Truman (xyz) 530 76 606 26. MaryAnn Copice (xz) 407 76 483 Steve Mollicone Jr.(xyz) 507 99 606 27. Glenn Lampinski (xz) 464 16 480 28. Dan Lacroix (xyz) 528 76 604 28. Scott Golding (xz) 473 6 479 29. Shawn Lampinski (xyz) 517 86 603 Matt Flynn 463 16 479 30. Ron Bennett (xz) 494 108 602 30. MaryAnn Copice (xz) 401 76 477 31. Al Copice (xyz) 498 102 600 31. Mike Jenks (xz) 451 25 476 32. Diane Silvia (x) 504 92 596 Deb Eubank (x) 444 32 476 Don Cushing (xz) 500 96 596 33. Teri Moccia (xz) 447 28 475 Lisa Volpe (xz) 494 102 596 34. Nick Boragine (xz) 423 51 474 35. Ron Bennett (xz) 478 108 586 35. Chris Reynolds 473 0 473 36. Eric Sartwell (xyz) 482 102 584 36. Art Soares (xz) 444 22 466 37. Eric Barnes (xyz) 521 60 581 37. Billy Daft (xz) 459 6 465 Marcel Lussier (xyz) 492 89 581 38. Peg Woods 388 76 464 39. Steve Richmond (xyz) 490 67 557 39. Rich Moccia (xz) 371 92 463 40. Paula Fletcher (xz) 464 92 556 40. Kerri Zommer (xz) 452 9 461 41. Eric Sartwell (xyz) 440 102 542 41. Jon Keeble (z) 415 44 459 42. Erik Russo (x) 390 0 390 42. Stacy Nasisi (xz) 407 41 448 43. Pat Boragine (xz) 319 112 431 (x) - High Single Pool Entry 44. Dave French (z) 423 3 426 (y) - Scratch Pool Entry 45. Chris Larose (x) 387 19 406 (z) - Doubles Pool Entry
DOUBLES FINALS RESULTS: TEAM QUAL. RD. FINALS SCORE HDCP TOTAL PRIZE 1. RICHARD VOLPE** 630 591 1221 ANGELO QUARANTA 571 522 1093 196 2510 $750.00 2. Dan Richmond** 620 619 1239 Jack Florence** 537 497 1034 170 2443 $380.00 3. Jay Pacheco** 582 632 1214 Amy Peck 509 496 1005 216 2435 $208.00 4. Eric Sartwell** 570 520 1090 Russell Yeaw** 492 460 952 300 2342 $160.00 5. Al Copice 570 510 1080 Harry Whitford** 524 432 956 242 2278 $120.00 6. Pete Bedard** 575 512 1087 Pam Riccio** 508 479 987 172 2246 $ 80.00
**These bowlers qualified for the 2008 Tournament Series Finals in this event. Russ Pierson and Dave Campopiano failed to show for the Doubles Finals of this event. Amy Peck and Pam Riccio were the highest finishing "B"
Division bowlers present at the the scheduled start time for this part of the tournament, so they replaced the bowlers who failed to show.
HIGH SINGLE POOL -- "A" DIVISION -- (42 Entries @ $2.00 = $84.00) SCRATCH HANDICAPPED 1. Jay Pacheco 200 $20.00 1. Richard Volpe 194+23=217 $20.00 2. Steve Zommer 185 $14.00 2. Dan Richmond 177+19=196 $14.00 3. Al Copice 170 $ 8.00 3. Pete Bedard 169+21=190 $ 4.00 Al Asprinio 166+24=190 $ 4.00
HIGH SINGLE POOL -- "B" DIVISION -- (38 Entries @ $2.00 = $76.00) SCRATCH HANDICAPPED 1. Matt Dean 188 $18.00 1. Harry Whitford 179+4=183 $18.00 2. Angelo Quaranta 179 $12.00 2. Scott Golding 175+1=176 $12.00 3. Denise Bonneau 162 $ 8.00 3. Joe DiPanni 157+5=162 $ 8.00
SCRATCH POOL -- (33 Entries @ $5.00 = $165.00) 1. Dan Richmond 620 $82.50 3. Pete Bedard 575 $24.75 2. Jay Pacheco 582 $41.25 4. Angelo Quaranta 571 $16.50
DOUBLES POOL -- (32 Entries @ $6.00 = $192.00) 1. Lisa Volpe (143-139-122=404)/Richard Volpe (194-176-154=524) 928+98=1026 $96.00 2. Al Copice (170-151-142=463)/Pete Bedard (169-150-131=450) 913+93=1006 $58.00 3. Dan Richmond (177-171-148=496)/Mark Truman (151-140-123=414) 910+67= 977 $38.00
The above pools were won with scores rolled in the Qualifying Round of this event.
THE TOURNAMENT SERIES FINALS FUND IS NOW AT $1468.00. THE FOLLOWING BOWLERS HAVE QUALIFIED FOR THE 2008 TOURNAMENT SERIES FINALS, PROVIDED THEY BOWL IN AT LEAST FOUR TOURNAMENT SERIES EVENTS BY THE CONCLUSION OF THE 2008 SPRING/SUMMER TOUR: Al Asprinio, Eric Barnes, Pete Bedard, Ron Bennett, Dennis Cabral, Al Copice, MaryAnn Copice, Aaron Dean, Stephen Dryer, Deb Eubank, Steve Findley, Jack Florence, Tony Francisco, Dave Gareau, Steve Gilbert, Alan Hopkins, Jon Keeble, Steve Korik Jr., Dan Lacroix, Glenn Lampinski, Shawn Lampinski, Ray LeBlanc, Tom Lischio, Bobby McGill, Leo Monteiro, Sal Nasisi, Stacy Nasisi, Cheryl Netcoh, Doug Oliver, Jay Pacheco, Mike Parente, Jerry Parenteau Sr., Amy Peck, Angelo Quaranta, Pam Riccio, Dan Richmond, Dave Ritchotte, Eric Sartwell, Tom Shaw, Art Soares, Scott St.Jean, Mark Truman, Lisa Volpe, Richard Volpe, Matt Walker, Harry Whitford, Russell Yeaw
FINANCIAL REPORT: INCOME: 87 Entries @ $30.00 = $ 2610.00 Donation-RIDBA = $ 400.00 Donation-RIDBPA = $ 100.00 Donation-Wickford = $ 100.00
Total Income = $3210.00
EXPENSES: Lineage - Qualifying Rd 87 Entries @ $10.00 = $ 870.00 Lineage - Doubles Finals 12 Entries @ $10.00 = $ 120.00 Director's Fee 87 Entries @ $2.00 = $ 174.00 Finals Fund 87 Entries @ $4.00 = $ 348.00
Total Expenses = $ 1512.00
PRIZE FUND: Total Income ($3210.00) - Total Expenses ($1512.00) = $ 1698.00 TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: AL ZORAIAN